- Cooperations (international)
Successful completion of the first AI Ethics Assessment Training by IEEE and NCSR Demokritos
- Cooperations (national)
MANOLO project holds synergy discussions with EXCELLEND project at NCSR Demokritos
- Cooperations (national)
IIT Director interview with Manufacturing Magazine on Greece's AI Factory
- Cooperations (international)
NCSR Demokritos offers IEEE CertifAIEd™ Trainings in AI Ethics Assessment
- Cooperations (national)
Dr. Anastasia Krithara at the "Dealing with Heart Diseases" event of the Armed Forces
- Cooperations (national)
AI Pioneers Students in Natural Sciences | Collaboration between Demokritos and SciFY
- Cooperations (international)
Institute Director visits China with Greek Delegation of leading Research Centres
- Cooperations (international)
MANOLO | IIT at the VECOMP 2024 VALE Track Workshop on Value Engineering in AI
- Cooperations (international)
AI4Trust | 4 more pilot workshops take place to test the project's toolset
- Cooperations (international)
TITAN pilot workshop introduces TITAN chatbot to participants
- Cooperations (international)
The Institute was represented at the 88th Thessaloniki International Fair
- Cooperations (international)
[VIDEO] Invited Talk - Linking Simulations and Emerging Data Sources to Analyze Infection Risk in…
- Cooperations (international)
[VIDEO] Invited Talk - Unsupervised Subsequence Anomaly Detection in Large Sequences
- Cooperations (international)
A 3 minute interview with Dr. Katsamori about the AIEdu project on enhancing media literacy and AI…
- Cooperations (international)
DeployAI: The project building AIoDP fot the public sector and the industry
- Cooperations (international)
DeployAI, Evenflow and Enexa projects on the AIoD TCB Meeting
- Cooperations (international)
TCO Cluster | A collaboration between FRISCO, ALLIES and TΑΤΕ projects organise webinar
- Cooperations (international)
CHANGER project kicks off at NCSR Demokritos, Athens - SKEL | The AI lab
- Cooperations (national)
GenAI Greece 2030 study on AI presented to the Prime Minister of Greece | Co-created…
- Cooperations (international)
[VIDEO] Invited Talk: AI Impact on Systems Engineering & Systems Engineering Impact on AI - SKEL…
- Cooperations (national)
TALK: Co-creating an AI-enabled software infrastructure to empower Natural Sciences
- Cooperations (international)
NCSRD at the Council of Europe Artificial Intelligence & Education expert group in Strasbourg
- Cooperations (national)
The Institute's Researchers talk about AI in the magazine of the Hellenic Parliament
- Cooperations (national)
Invited Talk: View selection over knowledge graphs in triple stores - SKEL | The AI…
- Cooperations (international)
AI4TRUST project partners meet in Thessaloniki for plenary - SKEL | The AI Lab
- Cooperations (international)
11th BioASQ workshop was successfully completed in Thessaloniki, GR
- Cooperations (international)
[VIDEO] Invited Talk: Translational Research at the Applied Artificial Intelligence Institute | SKEL the AI…
- Cooperations (international)
SIMPATHIC project kicks-off in Amsterdam, NL - SKEL | The AI Lab
- Cooperations (international)
AI4Trust & TITAN siblings co-organise hybrid event on disinformation - SKEL | The AI Lab
- Cooperations (national)
Institute Researchers at SNF Dialogues podcast - Discussion on AI - SKEL | The AI…
- Cooperations (international)
Demokritos participated in DEFEA 2023 - Defence Exhibition in Athens
- Cooperations (international)
ΕΝΕΧΑ project 1st physical plenary in Athens, Greece | SKEL - The AI Lab
- Cooperations (national)
[VIDEO] IIT researcher talks about AI on National Greek Television (ΕΡΤ) SKEL | The AI…
- Cooperations (international)
New project AI4Trust on AI and fake news kicks off in Trento, IT
- Cooperations (international)
FRISCO project kick off meeting held at NCSR Demokritos - ISL & SKEL | The…
- Cooperations (international)
ΕΝΕΧΑ project kicks off in Paderborn, Germany - SKEL | The AI Lab
- Cooperations (international)
AI4Europe - New Artificial Intelligence project launched at Cork, IRE | SKEL | The AI…
- Cooperations (national)
VAST project collaboration with Fairytales Festival on Kea Island - SKEL | The AI Lab
- Cooperations (international)
Survey by popAI project on AI & law enforcement - ISL & SKEL | The…
- Cooperations (international)
VAST Project holds plenary meeting & workshops in Lisbon, PT - SKEL | The AI…
- Cooperations (international)
[VIDEO] TALK | An emulation framework for IoT, Fog, and Edge Applications - SKEL |…
- Cooperations (national)
[VIDEO] Robotic work from IIT featured on CNN Greece - SKEL | The AI Lab
- Cooperations (international)
EuroCC@Greece created the HPC tools directory | SKEL The AI lab
- Cooperations (international)
AI4Copernicus distributes more than € 1M in new round of Open Calls | Apply by…
- Cooperations (international)
ML-MULTIMEM: Interview with Postdoc Research Fellow E.Ricci | SKEL The AI Lab
- Cooperations (national)
Ανακοίνωση – Πρόσκληση σε ανοικτή Δημόσια Διαβούλευση | ΣΤΕΓΗ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΩΝ ΙΔΕΩΝ
- Cooperations (international)
Tranforming your Business with AI - A workshop tailored for gMendel | ahedd & SKEL…
- Cooperations (international)
Kick off for ML-MULTIMEM project: A synergy between IIT & INN | SKEL The AI…
- Cooperations (national)
[VIDEO] 11 ΙοΤ applications developed at Giga Campus by Vodafone & Demokritos
- Cooperations (international)
Newsletters of High-Performance Computing EuroCC project @Greece | SKEL The AI Lab
- Cooperations (international)
IIT provides 5 PhD Scholarships in USA Universities | Extended deadline 10.12.2021
- Cooperations (international)
pop AI project kicked off | Coordination by IIT, NCSR Demokritos
- Cooperations (national)
IIT creates a new website for GSRI (ΓΓΕΚ) | Official presentation at NCSR Demokritos
- Cooperations (national)
[VIDEO] ahedd DIH presented two innovative initiatives at 85th TIF (ΔΕΘ)
- Cooperations (international)
AI4Copernicus project presented at AI4EU café - SKEL | The AI Lab
- Cooperations (international)
AI4Copernicus platform for proposal submissions now OPEN - SKEL | The AI Lab
- Digital Innovation Hub
ahedd in AI & Digitalisation work groups of European Digital SME Alliance
- Cooperations (international)
iASiS project featured at Labiotech.eu portal | SKEL | The AI Lab
- Cooperations (international)
AI4Copernicus IIT's project in PRISMA magazine | SKEL | The AI Lab
- Cooperations (international)
BDVA Data Week 2021 | Participation of the AI4Copernicus project and researchers of SKEL The…
- Cooperations (international)
EU-Pri: Education in Prison | Project presentation in Prisma Magazine
- Cooperations (international)
Exchange Talks between SKEL | The AI Lab and Huazhong Agricultural University in China
- Cooperations (international)
AI-on-Demand Ontology Workshop co-organised by NCSR Demokritos
- Cooperations (international)
ΑI4Copernicus project was presented at the Earth Observation Cafe
- Cooperations (national)
In situ visit of Minister of Culture & Sports at Athens Conservatoire (House of Classical…
- Digital Innovation Hub
ahedd organises AI Training for Board of Directors of NCSR Demokritos
- Cooperations (international)
Welcoming six research projects in the first two months of 2021
- Cooperations (international)
VAST partnership participated in cluster meeting of sibling projects
- Cooperations (national)
House of Classical Greek Ideas: Invitation to an open Public Consultation
- Cooperations (international)
Kick off meeting for VAST project | Exploring Values across Space and Time
- Cooperations (international)
Webinar | DARE Platform focusing on Seismology and Earth Sciences
- Cooperations (international)
IIT continues to support Education from PhD scholarships to school visits
- Cooperations (international)
Επτά (7) Υποτροφίες για Διδακτορικό στο εξωτερικό - Αιτήσεις έως 14.12.2020
- Cooperations (international)
Seven new research projects for IIT in the second semester of 2020
- Cooperations (international)
EUROCC project kicks off: National Competence Centres in the framework of EuroHPC
- Cooperations (national)
IIT and NCSR Demokritos on the side of the Greek State to deal with COVID-19
- Cooperations (international)
Οκτώ (8) Υποτροφίες για Διδακτορική Διατριβή στο εξωτερικό - Αιτήσεις έως 10.01.2020
- Cooperations (international)
SKEL Lab participates with DARE project at RDA Europe in Finland
- Cooperations (international)
AthNLP 2019: 1st Athens Natural Language Processing Summer School organised by NCSR Demokritos
- Cooperations (national)
New collaboration between NCSR Demokritos & Athens International Airport
- Cooperations (national)
Νέος κύκλος για το 2019 - 2020 του MSc Data Science | Μεταπτυχιακό Πρόγραμμα στην…
- Cooperations (international)
TALK: Om.Gnawali, Activity Sensing and Localization in Indoor Environments
- Cooperations (international)
HF7: DARE, DEEP and XDC co-organise workshop: Creating platform-driven eInfrastructure innovation on EOSC
- Cooperations (international)
AthNLP 2019 Summer School: Call Open until 31 May | SKEL lab is co-organiser
- Cooperations (international)
The BioASQ Challenge visited Japan. G.Paliouras spoke at BLAH5 Hackathon. Video now available.
- Cooperations (national)
SKEL Lab participated at the Symposium: Open Science in Greek Research
- Cooperations (international)
SKEL Lab is now a member of the Big Data Value Association (BDVA)
- Cooperations (international)
Έως 3/12: Υποβολή αιτήσεων για δέκα (10) υποτροφίες με σκοπό την εκπόνηση διδακτορικής διατριβής του…
- Cooperations (international)
Έξι νέα ερευνητικά έργα για το Εργαστήριο Τεχνολογίας, Γνώσεων και Λογισμικού (SKEL Lab), ΙΠ&Τ
- Cooperations (national)
Έως 22/6 οι αιτήσεις για το αγγλόφωνο ΔΠΜΣ στην "Επιστήμη Δεδομένων".
- Cooperations (international)
SKEL Lab continues to build NCSR Demokritos's expertise in Precision Medicine projects
- Cooperations (national)
Ξεκίνησε το νέο Μεταπτυχιακό Πρόγραμμα της Επιστήμης Δεδομένων (MSc Data Science)
- Cooperations (international)
IASIS project kick-off: Νέο Ευρωπαϊκό ερευνητικό πρόγραμμα για το Αλτσχάιμερ και τον καρκίνο του πνεύμονα
- Digital Innovation Hub
Δίπλωμα ευρεσιτεχνίας: "Μέθοδος διαχείρισης δικτύων διασυνδεδεμένων αντικειμένων"
- Cooperations (international)
Δελτίο Τύπου: 4η Συνάντηση Εργασίας (focus group) για το Ευρωπαϊκό έργο «Your Data Stories»
- Cooperations (international)
StoryBot: SKEL Lab participates in research project awarded by GOOGLE DNI
- Education material
Εκδήλωση για τους υποψήφιους Διδάκτορες του ΙΠΤ - Δευτέρα 19 Δεκεμβρίου
- Cooperations (international)
Έως 12/12: Τέσσερις (4) υποτροφίες για την εκπόνηση Διδακτορικής διατριβής του ΙΠ&Τ σε συνεργασία με…
- Cooperations (international)
13/11: Έξι (6) υποτροφίες για την εκπόνηση διδακτορικής διατριβής του ΙΠ&Τ σε συνεργασία με Πανεπιστήμια…
- Cooperations (national)
II&T cooperates with UoA in the context of the I.T.M.B. postgraduate program
- Cooperations (international)
March 23 - 27: Dr. V. Karkaletsis and Dr. G. Petasis visited and gave talks…
- Cooperations (international)
Έως 13/03: Μία (1) υποτροφία για την εκπόνηση διδακτορικής διατριβής του ΙΠ&Τ με το Rice…
- Cooperations (international)
Agreement of cooperation between NCSR "Demokritos" and the Rice University, USA
- Cooperations (international)
Agreement of cooperation between NCSR "Demokritos" and the University of Texas at Dallas, USA
- Cooperations (international)
Παράταση έως και 12/1/2015, η δυνατότητα υποβολής των αιτήσεων για τέσσερις (4) υποτροφίες με σκοπό…
- Cooperations (international)
Έως 29/12: Τέσσερις (4) υποτροφίες για την εκπόνηση διδακτορικής διατριβής του ΙΠ&Τ σε συνεργασία με…
- Cooperations (national)
IIT, NCSR "Demokritos" signed "The Open Athens Living Lab Declaration"
- Cooperations (international)
Πέντε (5) υποτροφίες για την εκπόνηση διδακτορικής διατριβής του ΙΠ&Τ σε συνεργασία με Πανεπιστήμια του…
- Cooperations (international)
Three students selected as PhD candidates in the context of the joint PhD programs between…
- Cooperations (international)
IIT to enhance Research Collaborations with Universities in the US
- Cooperations (international)
Έξι (6) υποτροφίες για την εκπόνηση διδακτορικής διατριβής του ΙΠ&Τ σε συνεργασία με Πανεπιστήμια του…
- Cooperations (national)
20 June 2013: Annual meeting of the Advisory Board of the Hellenic Safer Internet Center
- Cooperations (international)
Visit to Beijing University of Post & Telecommunications (BUPT)
- Cooperations (international)
Εννέα (9) υποτροφίες για την εκπόνηση διδακτορικής διατριβής του ΙΠ&Τ σε συνεργασία με Πανεπιστήμια του…
- Cooperations (international)
Joint PhD program between NCSR "Demokrfitos" and the University of North Texas, USA
- Cooperations (international)
Agreement of cooperation between NCSR "Demokritos" and Dalhousie University, Canada
- Cooperations (international)